NUN - Local Plan Review (Air Quality, Heritage and Landscape Assessments) - AWARD
Provision of three reports to inform the local borough plan review. Lot 1 - Air Quality Assessment This piece of work is for the Planning Policy team as part of the Borough Plan Review. This project is to provide an update to the previous air quality assessment evidence base carried out for the previous Borough Plan (2019). The updates are required due to the undertaking of the Borough Plan review to ensure the evidence base uses the latest and projected figures and is in line with latest legislation to assess the effects of the proposed housing and employment allocations that are to be brought forwards as part of the Review. The proposal is to assess the individual sites but also the cumulative impact to the Boroughs two Air Quality Management Areas (AQMA) as well as the impact to Coventry City Councils city wide AQMA. Lot 2 - Heritage Assessment This piece of work is for the Planning Policy team as part of the Borough Plan Review. This project is to provide an update to the previous heritage assessment evidence base for the previous Borough Plan (2019). The updates to the evidence base is for the residential and employment sites that are proposed to make up the strategic sites for the new plan period up to 2039. These sites consist of either new sites that have come forwards under the call for sites or the existing sites carried forwards from the previous plan period. This work is to ensure the historic environment is conserved and enhanced and ensure that there are positive policies in place for the conservation and enjoyment of the historic environment for both designated and non-designated heritage assets and their settings. This assessment should be based on the existing methodology and approach used within the Council's latest Borough Plan Heritage Assessment (2016) and Historic Environment Assessment (2014). The work should have reference to the National Planning Policy Framework 2021 and other relevant legislation. Lot 3 - Landscape Assessment Production of Landscape Assessment Reports to support the production of the Borough Plan Review Development Plan Document.
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CPV Codes
71410000 - Urban planning services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors