NVS Communications Strategy 2022 - To develop a communications strategy to align with the National Volunteering Strategy.
To deliver a comprehensive communications strategy for implementation by relevant stakeholders and the communications strategy should:Page 3 of 7• Identify key demographics and target audiences• Develop key messages that communicate the value, benefits and impact of volunteering• Identify key channels to deliver key messages to the target audience• Develop a template information campaign that can be used by organisations that involve volunteers to communicate the benefits and value of volunteering• Identify how other actions within the Communications, Awareness and Recognition theme can be delivered• Identify what communications support, tools and resources will be needed to deliver this communications strategy and how best to secure this support in a cost-effective manner• Include an evaluation plan which measures achievement of the communications objective The successful agency will be provided with a range of research into volunteering (including the benefits and impact of volunteering); existing communications around volunteering at local, regional and national level; and the opportunity to consult with stakeholders in the voluntary sector.
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