NWL0115 Provision of National finance payment mechanisms, cost bench-marking, contracting and technical advisory and training services in North West London
NWL CCG (an ICB from the 1st July 2022) requires the provision of detailed technical consulting and advice service for the North West London system. The aim of the service (as a minimum) is to provide: -Technical financial, management, planning, and related contracting advice; -A range of technical training seminars/webinars to appraise staff of the detailed implications of continually changing NHS national technical guidance; -Cost benchmarking support to assist system efficiency initiatives; -Advice on the operational application of financial guidance; -Access to a national tariff query response website, that catalogues in excess of 2,000 national query responses and clarifies how national guidance should be applied in a wide range of scenarios. Expertise provision also supports: -Comparative assessment across a variety of CCGs, CSUs and Hospitals across England, including for NHS England - to cover a wide range of issues, developments and solutions in common; -Providing pan health economy technical query support links to over 100 organisations via a web-based service; -Links to the Department for Health and Social Care (DHSC) in supporting the development of new tariffs; -Training locally and on behalf of FSD networks, CIPFA, CPMI and HfMA (England & Wales) via an accredited on-line training platform; -A variety of healthcare industry clients and health economies for dispute resolution, preparation for arbitration, pricing compliance reviews and local tariff pricing reviews (non-national tariff). The CCG currently has an arrangement in place with RSR Associates to an estimated annual value of £9,000 exclusive of VAT. NWL CCG is currently of the view that the services described at such a competitive rate are capable of being provided only by the provider mentioned above. If it is that RSR Associates is the only provider capable of delivering the service, then the CCG will look to award a contract to the provider for 36 months with an option to extend by an additional 24 months. Any capable provider may come forward by 11th July 2022 to engage with the CCG. In your response to this opportunity, please advise your interest and demonstrate capacity and capability to deliver this service via: During 2022, it is anticipated that NWL CCG will be succeeded by an Integrated Care Board (ICB). Any future contract and/or procurement opportunity may therefore be in the name of the ICB.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors