Ocean Country Partnership Programme: Madagascar Vulnerability Atlas for Accidental Maritime Pollution
JNCC is a delivery partner for the Ocean Country Partnership Programme (OCPP), a UK government-led programme under the Blue Planet Programme. More information on the OCPP can be found here: This project aims to develop and deliver a national vulnerability atlas to accidental maritime pollution for Madagascar. The atlas is a document to support decision-making, strategic planning, and operational response activities. It will include information on sensitive ecological and socio-economic features, alongside relevant infrastructure. The contractor is responsible for liaising with OLEP and JNCC to identify and include all relevant data sources. The aims of the project will be met through the development and establishment of outputs listed in Section 4. To meet the overall aims of this project (Section 3), the objectives are: 1. Highlight protected areas, areas important for biodiversity, sensitive ecosystems, critical habitats, threatened species and natural resources, marine and coastal infrastructure, tourist sites, and sensitive fishing zones with a view to the likelihood of their sensitivity and likelihood of being impacted by maritime pollution. 2. Map the vulnerability of different environments and socio-economic resources at risk of potential exposure to maritime pollution to support prioritisation in protection, response, and clean-up processes. For more information on this this project and how to apply, potential bidders are invited to download the zip folder under the more information section of this advert and complete the conflict of interest form and the acceptance form of our terms and conditions attached to the invitation to tender letter (ITT).
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CPV Codes
90700000 - Environmental services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors