Ocean Country Partnership Programme: Sri Lanka Technical advice and capacity building to support conservation and management of protected, endangered and threatened mobile marine species in Sri Lanka
JNCC is a delivery partner for the Ocean Country Partnership Programme (OCPP), a UK government-led programme under the Blue Planet Programme. This contract focuses on increasing capacity within Sri Lanka to understand and therefore protect PET species in the marine environment. This may include, but is not limited to, species of sea turtles; marine mammals; sharks and rays; and seabirds. This work will contribute towards achieving and maintaining a healthy marine environment and build capacity of community-based management approaches for PET marine species. The project outputs will include: Work Package 1 - Citizen science monitoring programme to collate and collect data on sightings, strandings and mortality of PET marine species. Work package 2 - PET marine species awareness and education outreach programme. Work package 3 - Development of a national volunteer monitoring network to support citizen science data collection for PET marine species and to provide support in the event of a marine related emergency response. If interested in this project potential bidders are invited to download the ITT Zip Folder and complete the acceptance form of our terms and conditions attached to the invitation to tender letter (ITT).
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
90700000 - Environmental services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors