077-1122OET Omni CPV Code All Sector NV, MSP & PSP Framework EC2C3 Mk3 ("Omni CPV NVMSP")
The CPB placed a contract notice 2019/S 218-535393 on 08/11/2019 (the "OJEU Notice") in the Official Journal of the European Union seeking tenders from potential vendors of Neutral Vendor/Managed Service Provision for the Supply of Multi Specialism Services interested in entering into a framework arrangement for the supply of such Services to itself as a Contracting CPB and other CA’s, which was subsequently awarded and as such this framework is not intended to compete with current framework reference 002/1019/OET, but to run in parallel with it until it naturally expires or the CPB and/or the FCPSP third party terminates it accordingly; For continuity of existing call-offs and for ease for central record purposes - all framework partners (suppliers) appointed to framework ref 002/1019/OET and all call-off obligations and framework partners and CAs would be automatically migrated to include the use of 077/1122/OET when it goes “live”. This new framework (reference 077/1122/OET, aka the “Omni CPV NVMSP Framework”) whilst it will largely operate as per the existing framework as described above, will ultimately replace 002/1019OET,) and endeavour to enhance and improve the aforementioned 002/1019OET and allow the framework to continue to appeal to not only the existing CA’s within the UK already using it, but also to allow and encourage the Charity, Public Sector Mutuals and Voluntary, Community & Social Enterprise (VCSE) Sectors to utilise the framework too, and CA’s across all areas of public sector requirements including Schools, Academies, Further Education, Defence, Utilities, Concession, Health and Social Care whom may not have used such a framework before. Although economic operators as defined with the PCR 205 etc are not legislatively obligated to use the framework, they may use the benefits of it if they wish providing such requirements are done under the operational and contractual arrangements of the framework. Neutral Vendor/Managed Service Provider aka FMPSP Following engagement with contracting authorities (the clients,) in the public sector, the Bidder must be able to conduct (via the Bidders own e-procurement portal, or have a contractual access to a third party’s e-procurement portal) procurement activities by both UK and EU public sector compliant means by either utilising the pre-approved suppliers of the clients, and/or by its own database of pre-approved suppliers who would be classed as framework partners, submit to the client, suppliers capable of meeting the needs of the clients, selected by either a further competition exercise or direct award and manage the contractual arrangements as prescribed by the client, between client and selected supplier(s). The awarded FMPSP(s) are permitted to operate the framework as is best suited and preferred by the Contracting Authorities (clients) calling off from the framework via direct or further competition as directed providing such call offs are compliant with the public sector procurement regulations as listed above. FMPSP(s) are permitted to supply ancillary procurement and related services in addition to the framework. FMPSP is permitted by means of a “central contractor” basis in the execution of the framework requirements and central contractor provision All major CPV codes as listed in II.2.11 in this Notice (and their minor CPV codes to be read as included too but not listed due to space,) are to be utilised accordingly for the operational use and call off purposes of the framework.
Published Date :
Deadline :
Contract Start :
Contract End :
Tender Regions
CPV Codes
79418000 - Procurement consultancy services
Status :
Assign to :
Tender Progress :
Notice Type :
Tender Identifier :
TenderBase ID :
Low Value :
High Value :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
Address :
Website :
Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors