Office for Product Safety and Standards (OPSS): Testing of Energy-Related Heat Pumps to the Ecodesign and Energy Information Regulations
The Office for Product Safety and Standards (OPSS), part of the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), is the appointed market surveillance authority, responsible for enforcing the Ecodesign Regulations for Energy-Related Products and the Energy Information Regulations within the UK. The requirement of this Invitation to Tender is for a supplier to carry out standard testing on heat pumps using an accredited test house. The objective is to verify and test an evidence-based means to ascertain whether a market representative sample of 'Heat Pump' air to water monobloc units are compliant with the Ecodesign regulation for Heat Pumps units with retained EU Regulations (Eco-design) regulation, (EU 813/2013) and the energy labelling regulation for Heat Pump units (EU 811/2013). In addition, this project contributes towards HMG and BEIS aspirations to reach net zero, by conducting physical testing and technical documentation checks to evaluate that the products placed on the market comply with regulated energy requirements. The test standards required are as stated below for the Ecodesign Energy labelling Regulation, Energy Performance and Seasonal Efficiency Specification: I.BS EN 14511-1:2018, EN 14511-2:2018, EN 14511-3:2018, EN 14511-4:2018- For energy rating and performance. II.BS EN 14825:2018- Covers the seasonal performance efficiency Suppliers are strongly encouraged to read the text at the following link to gain a full understanding of the enforcement services role within BEIS OPSS: To view this opportunity and the full Invitation to Tender pack, including instructions on how to submit a bid and the full contract Terms & Conditions, please register with our procurement platform, 'Jaggaer', using the following link: Please select "Register Now" Under "View Live Opportunities". This tender opportunity is located under project code prj_793 and ITT code itt_242.
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1 Possible Competitors