Oil health monitoring and sample analysis for the prevention of premature equipment failure.
Technical testing, analysis and consultancy services. The provision of a sample analysis service for various military vehicles, including the supply of oil and fluid sampling hardware, training and user support. It is intended to place a five year contract with two x 1 year extension option(s).The Contractor shall be expected to undertake spectographic analysis of submitted samples for wear materials and foreign matter, together with fluid property analysis for viscosity, water content, base number, soot, oxidation, nitration and fuel dilution.The Contractor will be required to interpret the results of these analyses, together with previous test data, to determine the assembly condition and provide a summary/corrective action report within 2 days of receipt of the oil sample; advising of any impending failures, advanced wear or mechanical defects. This information is to be supplied to the sample originator by secure communication methods. All data, including test results, corrective action instructions, assembly serial and vehicle registration numbers, and locations must also be made available to higher level users in a format for asset management and technical analysis purposes. The restricted nature of this summary data dictates that remote access may only be made via a secure network, such as the Restriced LAN Interconnect (RLI) link.The Contractor shall be expected to provide support to the oil analysis programme by means of initial training to all users and higher level users; including but not limited to overseas operational units in Germany and Canada, and continue to provide ad-hoc support by means of remote assistance or site visits as necessary. For the support of non-operational overseas units, the Contractor must demonstrate how they shall meet the relevant local employment regulations. The Contractor shall also be required to have a UK office.It is expected that the Contractor shall liaise with the Major Assembly/ Vehicle OEM's for purposes of failure diagnosis verification, and provide a quarterly report to the IPT to summarise results/findings, quantify the service cost-effectiveness, and identify possible areas for reliability improvement.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors