Open in a 8 days
Older Age Short Breaks
1. Outdoor group provision - Trafford Council is looking to commission a group based offer for CYP aged 5 - 18 years with SEND who are unable to access mainstream provisions with an approximate staffing ratio of 1 :3. The offer should be focused on outdoor activities (i.e. bushcraft / campcraft) within a low sensory environment, to provide CYP and parent carers with a meaningful short break. The sessions should be delivered weekends during term times, and week days during school holidays. The contract term will be for a period of 1 + 1 years. 2. Indoor sport provision - Trafford Council is looking to commission a group based offer for CYP aged 5 - 18 years with SEND who are unable to access mainstream provisions with an approximate staffing ratio of 1 :3.. The offer should be focused on indoor sporting activities that are fun, engaging and high energy, (however consideration should be given to the provision of a quiet space if required), to provide CYP and parent carers with a meaningful short break. The sessions should be delivered weekends during term times, and week days during school holidays. The contract term will be for a period of 1 + 1 years. 3. Trafford Council is looking to commission a group based offer for CYP aged 11 - 18 years with SEND who are unable to access mainstream provisions with an approximate staffing ratio of 1 :3. The offer should provide fun and engaging activities, both venue based and external trips in a safe, and supported environment, to provide CYP and parent carers with a meaningful short break. The sessions should be delivered weekends during term times, and week days during school holidays. The contract term will be for a period of 1 + 1.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85000000 - Health and social work services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors