Older People's Day Time Support (including Dementia)
Lancashire County Council's Adult Services would like to invite stakeholders to a bidder information event concerning the re-commissioning of older people's daytime supports in Lancashire. This event will include the context for the re-commissioning, timescales and to introduce a new minimum quality standard for older people's daytime supports. Older people's daytime supports are an important resource to improve people's wellbeing, reduce loneliness and isolation, provide respite for carers and prevent or delay the need for more intensive health and social care support for those using the service. Daytime supports services do not include care at home but can be provided within a residential care home as well as in specialised centres and other community centres. These services can help a wide range of older people, from those who need support with very complex needs to those where time limited support is needed at different points in their lives. Services offer a range of supports including, but not limited to: A place to make friends and link with the local community; Social activities such as cinema nights and dinner dances; Therapeutic activities; based in a caring and stimulating environment which is fully equipped for those with physical conditions or dementia; Personal care or support such as help with bathing needs; Respite and support for carers as well as those being cared for. These are provided for four hours or more per day. Please note luncheon clubs and befriending services are not classed as daytime supports services. The daytime supports event is designed for all service providers of older people's daytime supports within Lancashire (as defined above), who support older people (people aged over 55); and/or older people with dementia. The event will be held on: Date: Friday 28 July 2017 Time: 2pm - 4pm Address: Lancashire County Council, Pitt Street Reception, County Hall, Preston, PR1 0LD. Room: Cabinet Room D - The Henry Bolingbroke Room. If you would like to attend (up to 2 attendees per organisation) please register your place on the online booking system using the link below:
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85000000 - Health and social work services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors