0739/ON - Website Supplier Centralisation
IMPORTANT - All expressions of interest/booking of supplier engagement slots must be received by 12 noon 30/09/2022. Over time as the group has grown we've developed the need for multiple brand & company identities and as such multiple websites. During this process we've historically gone out to market for a new website and had an open approach to working with different agencies for each website and brand/company. Whilst this approach has worked for us so far it has also created complexities for ongoing maintenance: Standardised changes such as security & accessibility need to be carried out across all sites individually, which increases costs and also means explaining the same issues to multiple suppliers. Three separate contracts and suppliers to manage and maintain relationships with. Multiple content management systems to learn and manage. Core requirements Single platform & hosting - As the project name suggest our first and foremost requirement is to consolidate all of our existing websites in to one platform, hosted by one supplier. Please see the specification of requirements in the document pack for more information. Engagement sessions must be booked with the Ongo project team as per the section 4 of the instructions to tenderers.
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
Address :
Website :
Procurement Contact
Name :
Designation :
Phone :
Email :
Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors