On-call Research Project
Workstream 1 Robust analysis based on a standardised approach to data that informs decisions and accurately draws out the challenges and the value of the on-call model. • To provide a consistent set of data for robust comparative analysis across the UK, through direct comparisons between datasets provided by FRSs • To analyse the data and consider the impact and challenges of implementing the on-call model, where possible determine cost efficiency, cost effectiveness and socio-economic value of the on-call model and the key challenges of resource and workforce management • To evidence challenges and solutions to FRSs and key stakeholders, such as the Home Office, HM Treasury and devolved Governments. Workstream 2 The documentation of a national study that provides a comprehensive analysis of the most effective approaches, methods and strategies that address the key challenges identified in Workstream 1. The report will include detailed case studies, data analysis, and expert insights to guide decision-making, improve effectiveness and influence policy. Suppliers must ensure that they are fully familiar with the nature and extent of the obligations required of this Service. They must realise and be aware that their proposed offer of Service is contractually binding and that the resulting Contract Agreement will be strictly supervised and closely monitored against their submitted offer (and to any subsequent mutually agreed amendments) and shall be enforced in accordance with the Contract provisions. It is the responsibility of the Supplier to obtain for itself, at its own expense, all information necessary for the preparation of its Tender. The proposals should address how the Supplier would manage each element of the requirement and the proposed pricing models submitted should clearly explain how each would be priced.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors