Online Integrated Workforce Planning Masterclass - Video Production
The HEE London Workforce and Business Intelligence Department are working in collaboration with the London Workforce Transformation Team to develop an online training course on Integrated Workforce Planning. The department is in high demand for workforce planning facilitation and the hope is that by standardising the offer, it will alleviate some of the pressure on the team. The course uses a combination of educational videos, self-directed activities and online facilitated workshops to teach participants to utilise appropriate tools and intelligence that can be put to use in their services, organisations or systems. There will be 6 modules to the course that will take them from defining the workforce aim to presenting a business case. The modules need to be completed in ascending numerical order. We require a provider to produce an animation video to accompany each module and the hope is that each video will contain a workforce planning training educational animation to present the information in a dynamic and interesting way. Each video should last 15 minutes. The team have produced PowerPoint slides that will be sent to the video production companies to be turned into the educational videos, the slides illustrate the graphic that will be shown in the animation video while the notes that accompany each slide are the "script" that will be the narration over the video.
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CPV Codes
92100000 - Motion picture and video services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors