Open Access LandIS Portal
The existing LandIS agreement between Cranfield University (CU) and Defra sets out the conditions under which Defra can access:• The platform which is owned and hosted by Cranfield for the provision of National Soil Map (NATMAP)• National Soil Inventory (NSI) and soil attribute data (SOILSERIES & HORIZON), and its supplementary data bases (broadly: the LandIS platform data).All Crown bodies currently enjoy full royalty-free access to LandIS, and this available to charities and research institutions. Non-crown bodies such as the Environment Agency or Natural England, and other public sector bodies, private individuals, consultants, and businesses do not have royalty-free access to this data.Defra and Cranfield University are working towards reducing or removing some of the licencing restrictions pertaining to the afore mentioned datasets.
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
90700000 - Environmental services
Status :
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Tender Progress :
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors