Open UK Web Archive Redevelopment Project
The British Library seeks to award a contract for the provision of website development. The work will focus on the re-development of the Open UK Web Archive ( The final deliverable of the contract is a new web-based end-user application that provides an interface to the Library’s several web archives. This must help the user to search and browse these rich collections, which are now significantly larger than the selective archive and contain billions of URLs with different access rights. The new interface should also present the web archives innovatively in a usable and intuitive way that is visually compelling. It should meet the requirements of research users as well as general usage. The contractor is expected to take an iterative approach, releasing multiple versions for testing and obtaining user feedback during the development process. The contract will be awarded following a tendering process. The envisaged period of the contract will be eighteen months, broken into two phases. The former will produce a public beta version of the website for testing and user feedback, the latter focuses on enhancements and additional development, based on the outputs of the previous phase.
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors