OpenHydro platform decommissioning
To decommission fully the OpenHydro test platform at our tidal test site of Fall of Warnes on berth 4, Orkney Islands Contractor’s scope of work shall include, but is not to be limited, to: - Preparation of suitable method and risk assessment to conduct the tasks, including necessary visit to the platform. - Removal of all the top structure including gantry, winches, container - Removal of the two drilled grouted piles - flush to the seabed - Disconnection of the 11 kV marine cable attached to the West pile and terminating the cable with a suitable test end provided by EMEC. - Test the marine cable (test suite provided by EMEC). - Make the removed top sections of the piles available to EMEC on Hatston quay or agreed alternative for forensic decommissioning purposes. - Clearance of sea bed site to the level required by Marine Scotland, final video survey of the site, and report detailing the “as left” status. - Dispose of all the top structure including the container and piles. - Provide insurance documents. - Provide H&S documents. - Provide method statement and cost breakdown for the works. Full details given in ITT
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
98360000 - Marine services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors