Operational Management of Centralised Boiler House at Llandough Hospital
NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership, on behalf of Cardiff and Vale University Health Board wish to inform the markethat they intend to award a contract for the provision of energy services operational management at the University Hospital Llandough (UHL) for a period of 12 months.Veolia are the one supplier capable of meeting the Health Boards unique requirements shown below:Specification of Duties1)Operational management of centralised boiler house at UHL including:•Steam Boilers (3 No.)•Single 150Kw Combined Heat and Power Unit (CHP)•Heating and steam system ancillary plant and equipment•Pumps, steam traps and supporting distribution equipment•Pipe work, valves, fittings, thermal insulation etc•Electrical equipment including controls, electrical panels, wiring, detectors etc.•Gas supply fuel system and all ancillary equipment for boilers and CHP.•Any other key item of equipment in the boiler house2)The contractor shall provide predetermined levels of steam, electricity and low pressure hot water supplies.3)Maintenance and repair of all equipment and systems detailed in 1) above. Most equipment would have been installed in 1994 or earlier and is therefore approaching 25 years in age.4)Provision and management of the gas supply for the boilerhouse including the annual tendering of the contract and monthly advice and update with regard to energy costs and projections.5)Collate and submit all information associated with CHPQA and CRC program including the purchase and submission of all carbon allowances. Carbon purchase costs will be recharged to the UHB but all carbon management processes to be managed by the contractor.6)Management support for the services detailed in 1) to 4) above including: attendance at regular performance management meetings, submission of performance reports, provision of relevant energy management and cost data and formulation of Health and Safety and Compliance reports.7)All of the above services must be provided in accordance with all the relevant and latest engineering, Health and Safety, compliance management and statutory obligations including asbestos, legionella, water safety, control of contractors, fire management etc.The authority is applying a 10 day standstill period to allow suppliers in the marketplace an opportunity to appeal if theybelieve they have the capability to meet the Health Boards unique requirements.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
71314000 - Energy and related services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors