Operations processing system (TOPS & POIS)
The TOPS and POIS Replacement Project is required to deliver a solution to replace in-usefunctionality of the existing application under the adoption of modern technologies, thus avoidinginnovation limitation, technical debt, operational risk and extended support agreements for thesetwo mission critical services.TOPS is a mainframe system procured by British Rail (BR) from Southern Pacific in the early 1970s. Itis a complex, command-driven system, originally designed for the management and control offreight vehicles and trains to provide real-time information of the whereabouts, loading, consignee,condition, etc. of freight vehicles. Since the introduction of TOPS to BR, the system has beenexpanded to handle locomotive activities and information about loco-hauled passenger operations,via a sub-system named POIS. The average freight traffic is currently 500 trains per day but mayincrease going forward.
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1 Possible Competitors