Opportunity to attend a Blue Belt Technology Workshop in London
1. Future Opportunity Notice: Expected Upcoming Invitation to Tender (ITT) New technologies have the potential to represent, and indeed define, the lasting legacy of the Blue Belt Programme (the "Programme"). If implemented effectively, with sufficient consideration given as to their application in the context of the fisheries enforcement issues the UK Overseas Territories (UKOTs) seek to address, then new technologies could represent a real 'game-changer' in terms of offering solutions to problems that were previously virtually impossible to address. Conversely, new technologies could be retrospectively perceived as an expensive 'white elephant' if implemented ineffectively. As part of the Programme, the Authority intends to commission a project to provide bespoke Technology Roadmaps for each of the UKOTs. These will identify and appraise innovative solutions for addressing challenges associated with Marine Protected Area (MPA) management and sea fisheries compliance and enforcement in each UKOT, and set out a vision for what might be feasibly implemented and explored in the short, medium and long term. If the Authority decides to proceed, it is expected that the ITT for this opportunity will be published on the Authority's e-Tendering System (Bravo) around March 2019. As the value of the project is expected to be below the relevant financial threshold, if this procurement proceeds, it will not be carried out in accordance with the PCR 2015 Regulations. However, the Authority will conduct the procedure fairly, openly and transparently. 2. Opportunity to attend a Blue Belt Technology Workshop in London on 16 January 2019 As part of the preparatory work for the above ITT, the Authority is currently mapping the challenges associated with MPA management and sea fisheries compliance and enforcement in each of the UKOTs, to frame the technology requirements for the Roadmaps. On 16 January 2019, a workshop will be held in London for interested parties to primarily: -Hear about Blue Belt technology innovation for fisheries monitoring and surveillance to date; -Input to help the Authority identify and prioritise key requirements and challenges for fisheries compliance and enforcement for the UKOTs; and -Input to help the Authority identify current and upcoming technology innovation projects and opportunities for collaboration, which can feed in to the Roadmaps. The workshop will be attended by representatives of the UKOTs, NGOs and other interested parties.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors