Options appraisal, works specification and clerk of works service for communal heating installation and renewal at residential schemes
Yorkshire Housing are looking to appoint a consultant to assist them in reviewing solutions to their communal heating systems in their current stock of housing. Services are to include:- a)evaluate whether the existing gas and electric heating systems at 79 schemes are fit for purpose, and the priority order for their renewal / replacement, factoring in historic gas consumption and historic repair requirements; b)deliver options appraisal of technical solutions to reduce gas consumption at the schemes c)identify recommended option for each scheme based on a balance of whole life cost of works and cost benefit to residents (incorporating reasonable assumptions of potential energy company obligation income to offset part of the cost of works) d)cite any scheme-specific constraints and anything that Yorkshire Housing will need to take into account when commissioning works (including requirements for heat metering and asbestos removal) e)deliver detailed works specifications for approximately £1m of works, in priority order starting with the property requiring most urgent attention, and based on the recommended option for each scheme (after consultation with Yorkshire Housing to determine that Yorkshire Housing agrees with the recommended option; f)identify and undertake high level technical / commercial feasibility analysis on measures to reduce heating and hot water demand within blocks and flats; g)identify any rationalisation or adjustment recommended to the existing hot and cold water distribution system in the schemes, e.g. to reduce Legionella risk from dead end pipework, or to renew / repair storage tanks; h)suggest any recommended alterations to customer billing arrangements or metering, to comply with best practice and Heat Networks (Metering and Billing) Regulations 2014 and related statute. Justify and identify any cost implications for the recommended alteration I) Provide Clerk of Works service throughout the heating system repair/installation works on site.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
9300000 - Electricity, heating, solar and nuclear energy
71520000 - Construction supervision services
71530000 - Construction consultancy services
Status :
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors