OREDP 2 - Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and Appropriate Assessment for Offshore Renewable Energy Development Plan 2
The services are for the creation of a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and Appropriate Assessment as applicable for the Offshore Renewable Energy Development Plan 2 (OREDP II). The policy context and work underway on Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) has advanced significantly since the first OREDP. OREDP II will be subject to a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and an Appropriate Assessment (AA) which will help appropriately shape and develop the Plan and ensure that the sector can develop sustainably and minimise any impact on the environment. SEAI would like to invite suitably qualified and experienced environmental and planning consultants to carry out the following: (a)an appropriately scaled Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) of the OREDP II which fully complies with the principles and requirements of Directive 2001/42/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 June 2001 on the assessment of the effects of certain plans and programmes on the environment (hereafter referred to as the SEA Directive) and the European Communities (Environmental Assessment of Certain Plans and Programmes) Regulations 2004 (S.I. 435 of 2004), as amended;(b)screening for Appropriate Assessment (AA) of OREDP II which fully complies with the principles and requirements of Council Directive 92/43/EEC of 21 May 1992 on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora (hereafter referred to as the Habitats Directive) and the European Communities (Birds and Natural Habitats) Regulations 2011 – 21, (S.I. 477 of 2011, as amended) (Birds and Natural Habitats Regulations) subject to the outcome of the screening at (b), an AA of the OREDP II which fully complies with the principles and requirements of the Habitats Directive and the European Communities (Birds and Natural Habitats) Regulations 2011 (S.I. No. 477 of 2011).For further information please see Request for Tender at
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