Outline of Brief to be undertaken
Background Blairtummock Housing Association have 58 properties that are served by a biomass fed communal heating sytem. The properties were each refurbished in 2012 and new Hydraulic Interface Units were installed in each dwelling. A complete overhauled of the plant room, boiler, global metering and other systems were also undertaken at that time. The prepayment meters (associated with the heating, that BHA use to charge residents for their usage) within properties are now coming towards the end of their useful lives and the heat meters that feed into these are also becoming less dependable. The Likely Brief Blairtummock Housing Association will soon be looking to appoint a consultant to consider a number of questions around its communal heated properties. There are two main issues that we wish the consultant to consider: 1.The replacement of heat meters and consumer charging meters (prepayment meters) within the properties 2.The life cycle of the current Herz 199kw bio mass boiler Around question one the association will be looking to have a detailed spec put together by our consultant, that can be issued to specialist contractors in order that a bid that balances price and quality can be received from them. We are aware that the prepayment metering market is very small and as such we would seek a consultant with a good knowledge of what is available and who to go to in order that residents end up with a dependable solution meeting their needs.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors