Oxfordshire CCG Special Allocation Scheme Service (SAS)
NHS Oxfordshire Clinical Commissioning (OCCG) is seeking to commission a Special Allocation Scheme (SAS) Service for patients residing in Oxfordshire. The main aim of the scheme is to provide a secure environment in which patients who have been violent or aggressive towards staff in their GP practice can continue to receive general medical services. This scheme allows the Commissioner to balance the rights of patients to access general medical services with the need to ensure that GPs, their staff, patients and bystanders deliver and receive those services without the threat or occurrence of violence or who might otherwise have reasonable fears for their safety. The provider will deliver primary medical services and support for rehabilitation of registered patients to address underlying causes of violent or aggressive behaviour as well as encourage and support facilitation of return to general practice. The provider will be expected to deliver services in line with the provisions of the Standard operating procedure (SOP) for general practice in the context of coronavirus (COVID-19), and in particular ensure that services are delivered from premises which are compliant with IP&C and other health and safety requirements so as to reduce COVID-19-related risks to both staff and patients. The provider will also be required to adopt and comply with the IP&C policies of Oxfordshire CCG and with the Oxfordshire Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults policy. Security measures for this service are provided by an approved security company via a different contract with costs covered by OCCG. The contract will be awarded as an NHS APMS contract for an initial 3 years with an optional extension of any period up to 2 years, as defined at the discretion of the Commissioner. OCCG has a maximum annual budget of £20,000 (£60,000 over 3 years), plus an optional extension of up to 24 months making the total of £100,000. Further details including a specification and indicative activity levels will be provided in the quote documentation which will be made available in July. This procurement is being carried out by NHS South, Central and West Commissioning Support Unit (SCW) on behalf of the Commissioners.
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85100000 - Health services
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Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors