Oxfordshire Local Industrial Strategy - Investment Prospectus and Delivery Plan Preparation
The Oxfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership (OxLEP) are looking to appoint suitably-qualified consultants who can work with the Senior Executive Team to develop an Investment Prospectus and Delivery Plan for the Oxfordshire Local Industrial Strategy, which will translate the ambitions and policy interventions of the strategy into a coherent programme of delivery. The components of the commission are the final stage in the LIS Development Process, having concluded the economic baselining and evidence work which has supported the strategy document itself which formed the basis of the launch event in September. This final phase is focused on four key elements: Investment Prospectus - a dynamic, multi-platform output which details the investment opportunities for national and international parties from the public and private sectors to engage with in Oxfordshire. The appointed consultancy team will play a crucial role in devising the concept and the format and focus of the proposition. We are looking for creative and innovative approaches which can harness technology and communication platforms which can be deployed to connect with investors, as well as assemble different/complementary collateral for a variety of markets and audiences over a sustained period. Delivery Plan - a comprehensive programme encompassing each policy intervention and projects set out under the LIS including individual work packages and activities, with clear financial breakdown and investment case information at project and plan level, together with lead and stakeholder contributions and timeline. Business Case Support - advisory support to project leads and stakeholders in preparing Treasury Green Book compliant business cases, to ensure the development of robust investible propositions which will form the delivery plan and the case for investment to Government and commercial partners. Monitoring & Evaluation Plan - a detailed plan which will demonstrate the impact and value for money which the commitments under the LIS will achieve. This will also include further work on how we track Oxfordshire's performance as a global innovation ecosystem against rival competitor locations and how best practice can be adopted. A supplier briefing event will be held between 2pm and 4pm on Thursday 10 October at OxLEP's head office in Central Oxford.
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CPV Codes
73110000 - Research services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors