Oxfordshire Strategic Economic Plan
To prepare a refreshed Oxfordshire strategic economic plan for building solutions which will drive productivity, prosperity, and wealth for all whilst accelerating our transition to Net Zero. The strategy should be accompanied by a strong 'place narrative' recognising the changing roles of Town and City Centres and demonstrating how Oxfordshire can capitalise on its world-class strengths in research, business, skills, science, and innovation. In so doing, take advantage of its growing leadership in emerging sectors such as Life Sciences and Net-Zero, while clearly demonstrating how sustainable and inclusive growth in Oxfordshire can benefit our communities and other areas of the UK in particular, areas which are targeted by the Levelling Up Agenda. It should be dynamic enough to be able to respond to a rapidly evolving policy agenda support our efforts to set an ambitious pathway for long-term change towards a more sustainable future, drawing on our spirit of Innovation and Oxfordshire's global reputation to power change through the adoption of clean and sustainable technology. In so doing support our efforts to attract the investment required to address the County's short, medium and long- term challenges, while championing national sustainable economic growth. The outputs of this work will be used in funding discussions with the government, engagement with potential investors, and it will serve as a framework for cooperative operation between national government, local leadership, Universities, the private sector, and key anchor institutions in Oxfordshire.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors