2020/PAN/01 - Establishment of a mentoring panel for Brexit and Business Advisory Services for the Irish Seafood Industry
The seafood sector has unique challenges that require specialist skills to support them and to remain competitive. The purpose of this competition is to form a panel of suitably qualified specialist advisors, with the skills and experience necessary to advise and support Irish seafood businesses in relation to opportunities and challenges that they are faced with. It is predicted that the majority of work under this panel will relate to services as a consequence of the UK’s exit from the EU.The specialist advisors (panel members) drawn from the proposed panel will analyse the specific business operation, define where challenges/opportunities need to be addressed or improved, and advise and/or support implementation of the recommendations. Please refer to the enclosed documentation for further information.
Published Date :
Deadline :
Contract Start :
Contract End :
Tender Regions
CPV Codes
79412000 - Financial management consultancy services.
79400000 - Business and management consultancy and related services.
66171000 - Financial consultancy services.
79410000 - Business and management consultancy services.
79411100 - Business-development consultancy services.
79221000 - Tax consultancy services.
79111000 - Legal advisory services.
79411000 - General management consultancy services.
Tenderbase Categories
Systems and Technical Consultancy Services/ Research and Development Consultancy Services/ Legal Services/ Accounting Auditing and Fiscal Services/ Business and Management Consultancy Services/
Systems and Technical Consultancy Services/ Research and Development Consultancy Services/ Legal Services/ Accounting Auditing and Fiscal Services/ Business and Management Consultancy Services/
Financial/ Insurance and Pension Services/
Systems and Technical Consultancy Services/ Research and Development Consultancy Services/ Legal Services/ Accounting Auditing and Fiscal Services/ Business and Management Consultancy Services/
Systems and Technical Consultancy Services/ Research and Development Consultancy Services/ Legal Services/ Accounting Auditing and Fiscal Services/ Business and Management Consultancy Services/
Systems and Technical Consultancy Services/ Research and Development Consultancy Services/ Legal Services/ Accounting Auditing and Fiscal Services/ Business and Management Consultancy Services/
Systems and Technical Consultancy Services/ Research and Development Consultancy Services/ Legal Services/ Accounting Auditing and Fiscal Services/ Business and Management Consultancy Services/
Systems and Technical Consultancy Services/ Research and Development Consultancy Services/ Legal Services/ Accounting Auditing and Fiscal Services/ Business and Management Consultancy Services/
Tender Lot Details
1 Tender Lot
Status :
Assign to :
Tender Progress :
Notice Type :
Tender Identifier :
TenderBase ID :
Low Value :
High Value :
Region :
Attachments :
Buyer Information
Address :
Website :
Procurement Contact
Name :
Designation :
Phone :
Email :
Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors