Pancreatic Cancer Project - Market test
The NHS Long Term Plan sets the ambition to increase the proportion of cancers diagnosed at an early stage to 75% by 2028 (compared with around 55% now). To achieve this ambition, we need to reduce the proportion of pancreatic cancers that are diagnosed late. Currently only 23% of pancreatic cancers are detected at stage 1 or 2. Pancreatic cancer also is one of the highest mortality cancers with only 7.3% of people In England surviving 5 years beyond their diagnosis. This is predominantly because patients generally present late. The NHS Cancer Programme wishes to fund a high-risk surveillance protocol for people are risk of hereditary pancreatic cancer to support compliance with NICE Guidance (NG85) which already recommends surveillance for people with inherited high risk. The provider will recruit 400- 500 individuals eligible for pancreatic surveillance as per NG85. They will offer this cohort a surveillance from the age of 30 via endoscopic ultrasound and Contrast Enhance Computerized Tomography and blood screening via HbA1c and CA19.9. The provider will have the capability to offer genetic counselling and genetic testing services to confirm eligibility against NG85. They will have the capacity to offer surveillance protocol to 400-500 individuals within a 12-month timeframe - from September 2022 - September 2023. The preferred provider will be able to offer this service in multiple locations across a broad geographical footprint. This will be a one-off contract to support compliance with NICE Guidance (NG85) whilst capacity within existing NHS services is established to meet this requirement in house. Interested parties should email to express an interest in this project. Additional information will follow upon completion of the expression of interest timeline.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85100000 - Health services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors