Parking Services - Lot 1 Business Processing, Lot 2 People & Resources, Lot 3 Vehicle Relocations & Abandoned Vehicles
Lot 1 Business Processing The core scope and purpose of the Parking Services Business Processing Solutions Contract is to: Deliver business processing solution for management of the kerbside Provide the management of all statutory processes Contact centre and management of all contacts Management of all permits and permit processing Management of suspensions processing Camera enforcement processing Payment processing Lot 2 - People & Resources The core scope and purpose of the People & Resources Contract is: To provide a flexible pool of Marshals for deployment on for on and off-street locations. To provide all support, vehicles, uniforms, base locations and stationery to successfully deliver the Marshal's duties. To increase parking compliance by enforcing Westminster City Council's parking legislation and policies. To help improve WCC's air quality by educating drivers. To install parking suspensions and return parking bays to service. To carry out Site Inspections and report on parking related assets and abandoned vehicles. Flexibility for on street and back-office functions to take on additional roles Lot 3 - Abandoned Vehicles and Vehicle Relocations The core scope and purpose of the contract is to. Relocate in-correctly parked vehicles. Relocate vehicles on instruction of WCC . Provide relocation vehicles for other departments as and when required i.e. Events Team, Drainage and Horticultural team. Remove abandoned vehicles, store and also dispose of them. Detailed service provision of all Lots can be found in the Specifications and viewed via
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CPV Codes
63712400 - Parking services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors