Parliamentary Construction Partnership Framework
The Palace of Westminster (PoW) is an internationally important heritage asset as acknowledged by its Grade I listing designation, and inclusion as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The Parliamentary Estate has a unique built asset portfolio and has a total gross internal floor areas exceeding 250,000m2. Approximately 70% of the buildings on the Parliamentary Estate are 'Listed' under Heritage status, with two buildings, Norman Shaw North and the Palace of Westminster, of exceptional interest, and which are Grade 1 'Listed'. Parliament is exercising its duty of care to prevent future deterioration of the mechanical, electrical, public health, fire and life safety systems, building fabric, roofing, stonework, and other associated works and projects, as custodians of this Grade I Listed asset and to maintain a safe and secure environment in and around the Palace of Westminster., and the wider Parliamentary Estate.The Framework will predominantly facilitate the procurement and works requirements of the Corporate Officers' project delivery team (the Strategic Estates team). The Strategic Estates team is bicameral, serving both Houses, and is responsible for the infrastructure comprising the Parliamentary Estate. Their work encompasses a broad set of responsibilities, including the delivery of construction projects, construction safety, the provision of specialist planning and design support, and the care and development of our internationally significant heritage collections, among others. The purpose of this Prior Information Notice is to provide information for the procurement and implementation of a Parliamentary Construction Partnership (CPF) Framework, that shall serve as an enhancement of, and successor to the existing MEPFS (Mechanical, Electrical, Public health, and Fabric Safety) Framework, which expires at its earliest date of 15th March-2025. The procurement of contractors to undertake construction works is a key enabler to the successful delivery of the Medium-Term Investment Plan (MTIP) by Strategic Estates. As the requirement for these services and works continues to increase across the Parliamentary Estate, the procurement of this new Framework, and its services and works, is required to maintain the capability and capacity to construct and deliver projects that are part of the portfolio of capital investment and capital maintenance projects that constitute the MTIP, into the early 2030s.This Framework builds upon the original content of the MEPFS Framework and incorporates lessons learnt through its use over the last few years, and the feedback and thoughts from internal and external stakeholders to ensure this Framework is fit for purpose going forward. This new Framework seeks to ensure that the Corporate Officers have access to a proportionate and resilient number of capable Contractors, across a number of Lots, with different specialisms and disciplines, who can undertake the wide range of construction works and services required to meet the needs of the MTIP and Estate Masterplan..
Published Date :
Deadline :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
45000000 - Construction work
Status :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
Address :
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors