PATHSAFE data system for the rapid interrogation and archiving of genomic data
Tenders will be invited to carry out a pilot project to design and develop a user-friendly platform for the rapid interrogation and archiving of genomic data from human pathogens commonly associated with food. This pilot will build on ‘dashboard’ approaches to create powerful, but easily understood, interfaces that can be used by decision makers, understanding that different layers of accessibility may need to be developed due to data sensitivities. A key element of the data system development will be allowing the seamless integration of sample data with other existing data sources to create new knowledge. WS1 will be formed of 2 key activities: Discovery activity (April-September 2022) (not part of this tender): Will investigate the preferred pathogens of focus (1-2 pathogens), define the current pathogen data landscape for named pathogen(s) and identify user need. Delivery of the data system (September 2022-March 2024) (open tender): The outputs of the Discovery activity will be provided to the successful supplier for this tender upon completion in September 2022. The proposed work will comprise the design, development, prototyping, initial population and deployment of a genomic data system.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors