Patient Information on Inhaler Use to Improve Health Outcomes and Reduce Carbon Emissions
Background It is estimated that 12.7 million people in the UK (approximately 1 in 5) have a history of asthma, COPD or another longstanding respiratory illness. Lung diseases are responsible for more than 700,000 hospital admissions and over 6 million inpatient bed-days in the UK each year, and disproportionately affect disadvantaged and protected groups and areas of social deprivation, where there is often higher smoking incidence, exposure to higher levels of air pollution, poor housing conditions and exposure to occupational hazards. The objective of this assignment is to •create patient resources that support patient choice of a greener inhaler and optimal use of inhaler, to improve patient outcome and reduce carbon emissions; it is expected that some of this will only be signposting to existing resources (e.g. on inhaler technique and adherence) while some will be new material (e.g. role of short acting reliever inhalers, greener inhalers and disposal) •disseminate and promote these resources to inhaler users, their family and carers and healthcare professionals, in an impactful way. With these resources, the aim is that every patient requiring an inhaler knows where to find resources and is equipped to: •understand the importance of adherence to inhaler treatment •understand the importance of inhaler technique and how to optimise it •understand the role of short acting reliever inhalers and not overuse them •make an informed choice about initiating treatment with or moving to a greener inhaler (which feedback suggests is what they want) •know the importance of and how to return their inhaler. A key objective of this contract will be to bring the key messages together in a unified and clear narrative. The messaging is complex, and therefore the Authority are expecting the provider to present a robust and evidence-based proposal on the best way to communicate those messages across the target audiences, including proposals on measures of success. Given the disproportionate impact lung disease has on disadvantaged communities and protected groups, the proposal should also include due consideration to reducing health inequalities, targeting those populations and areas that would benefit most. The development of core resources and the promotional activities should commence as early as possible. The resources should be adapted to various stages of the patient pathway, The provider will be expected to demonstrate their understanding of the sensitivities and challenges surrounding choice and use of inhalers, the risks associated with this assignment and the mitigation they will put in place to ensure effective and safe delivery of these messages. Interested suppliers should register on the NHS England & Improvement e-procurement system here: •Once logged in click 'Find Opportunities' and search for 'C66767 Patient Information on Inhalers' •Click 'Register Interest'
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
79310000 - Market research services
79000000 - Business services: law, marketing, consulting, recruitment, printing and security
79413000 - Marketing management consultancy services
79342000 - Marketing services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors