Patient Reported Outcomes & Experience Measurement System (PROMS & PREMS)
The Authority are currently reviewing their approach to the current method of collection Patient reported Outcomes and Experiences.Within this scope the Authority will be considering the purchase of software (as a service) to replace the current system and / or the content.*What is it?The Project team are hosting a supplier engagement event on Monday 6th June 2016 to provide an opportunity to discuss solutions with the market. The event will provide an opportunity for suppliers to receive an update on direction of travel the Authority is working on and also for suppliers to provide feedback and details on how their organisations could provide solutions.*The day will consist of 2 sessions.Session 1 commencing at 10:00am and will take the form of a presentation from the team leading this project to be concluded with an open floor Q&A session.Session 2 commencing at 13:00 and will take the form of 6 x 30 minute "drop in" sessions for suppliers to have one to one discussions with the presentation team. The one to one sessions will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.*Why are you holding this event?he Authority wishes to engage with the marketplace as part of the developments of this requirement.*Who is it for?The event is aimed at all companies who may be interested in working with the authority to provide a system/solution for the new PROMS / PREMS system.*When/where is it?The event details are as follows:Date: Monday 6th June 2016Time: Registration from 9:30am, event commence from 10:00amVenue: NHS Wales Procurement Services, Mamhilad House,Mamhilad Park Estate, Pontypool, NP4 0YP.*Due to the limitation of capacity delegate numbers are restricted to 2 per oganisation, admission to the venue will be strictly by prior booking only.*How do I book?To book your place, please email to request inclusion on the delegates list. Your email shouldinclude the following details:-- Name of attendee(s) - 2 delegates maximum per company- Company name- Contact telephone (direct line/mobile)- E-mail address for correspondence- Drop in session required Y/N*You will receive confirmation of your registration prior to the event in addition to full details of the venue, parking details etc.NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the Sell2Wales Web Site at
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
48000000 - Software package and information systems
48510000 - Communication software package
48482000 - Business intelligence software package
48180000 - Medical software package
Status :
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors