Patient/Carer Feedback Service Website
NHS NSS is acting on behalf of The Scottish Government Planning and Quality Division in procuring the appropriate technology and services to provide a Patient/Carer feedback website for NHS Scotland., The requirement is for a website that enables people to post their experiences of receiving health and care services publicly online. Although anonymous, the site should record where the person is based (by postcode) and what service they are offering feedback about. The feedback will then be sent by the Service Provider to the appropriate healthcare service manager or clinician for a response or responses, which will be published online alongside the original post. The system will enable any resulting dialogue to be posted online in order to share learning and facilitate improvement. The service provider will be expected to provide training and support to organisations, throughout the contract, to encourage best use of feedback i improvement to services., The service will be available to all NHS Territorial Boards and certain Special Boards in Scotland and should include provision to allow other health and social care providers to become registered responders. The site shall record whether each story is posted by a patient, service user, parent/guardian, family member, carer, member of staff, or someone posting on behalf of a patient or carer, and this information shall be made available in reports to registered organisations.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors