PBS_HPLC_2022 - A high performance liquid chromatography unit capable of separating, identifying and quantifying the constituents of a chemical mixture.
A high performance liquid chromatography unit suitable for a range of laboratory research. Suitable for high throughput on a benchtop and use with mass spectrometry. The unit must be capable of monitoring and altering the temperature of the samples and column. Product SpecificationHPLC instrument suitable for the: •Separation of chemical mixture•Identification of chemical constituents of a mixture•Quantification of chemical constituents of a mixture•Suitable for use with particles of ≤3µm •Automatic universal sampler for vialsMust include:•Pump with 600+ bar pressure •4 Channel minimum, degassing and mixing •Sample cooler/thermo unit minimum range of 4oC to 45oC•Column oven with thermoregulation (Accuracy of 0.2oC to 0.1oC)•Diode array detector (DAD)•UV lamp and UV detector•Power supply & cables •Interface (Touch Screen/desktop/laptop)Preferably to include: •Suitable for use with a Mass Spectrometer •Suitable Software with ability for method transfer and validation from existing systems•Associated instrument accessories •Fluorescent lamp and detectorRequired product capacity: Minimum of 50 samples Required product pressure: Delivery as soon as possible after order.Operational Capability: a) Instrument must be capable of uniform, reproducible and rapid separation of chemical mixtures as well as the identification and quantification of it constituentsb) The setup should be capable of integration with a mass spectrometer c) Instrument should be capable of using universal sample vialsSpeed of Operation: normal cycle duration Required product performance: a)Analytical Performance: Accuracy and reproducibility are important b)Precision /Reproducibility: User-friendly software for control of the sophisticated instrumentation. Ability to save a protocol which can be run again would be beneficial.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
38000000 - Laboratory, optical and precision equipments (excl. glasses)
38500000 - Checking and testing apparatus
Tender Lot Details
1 Tender Lot
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