PCI_Lot_A_048 Winchester Mini Holland Bridge Street feasibility study
A call-off from Lot A of the Place, Connectivity & Infrastructure Professional Services Framework 2022-2026 (Published 4 March 2022). A feasibility study will be carried out using a Multi Criteria Analysis (MCA) to shortlist 4 potential options for Bridge Street in Winchester that if implemented would deliver improved connectivity and reallocate road space for the benefit of active travel users, improving safety and comfort and addressing issues of severance for north to south movements on National Cycle Network Route 23. These options are likely to involve some form of traffic management measures to reduce traffic volumes using Bridge Street. The MCA will evaluate their potential fit and contribution towards WMS and other local policy goals. Each of the four options will then be subject to transport modelling using VISSIM to understand the likely impacts of each option on queues, journey times and Park and Ride bus reliability and costs. Feasibility designs are to be produced for the two best performing options - both of which would need to deliver a significant improvement to the safety and comfort of pedestrians and cycling on and in the immediate vicinity of Bridge Street, which should include the northern end of Chesil Street as far as the Chesil Street Multi-Storey car park and the western end of Magdalen Hill.
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1 Possible Competitors