PEACEPLUS Our Journey To Peace Reissue
Derry City and Strabane District Council invite suppliers to tender for PeacePlus Our Journey to Peace. This project is an approximately 2-year cross-community and/or cross-interface project with a key focus on engaging residents and bringing benefit to the Moor District Electoral Area around oral history and community volunteering. The co-design process identified the Moor DEA, which includes the Fountain/Bogside interface, as being an area of complex history, but also an area with significant cultural and community tourism assets. The Journey To Peace project will allow adult participants (primarily adult residents) to explore complex inter-communal history, through workshops, shared/oral history, culture, training, education and cultural programming. As part of the oral history element, a small audio-visual exhibition is included, collating local oral history. A number of funding streams (e.g. Urban Villages, IFI Peace Walls, Department for Foreign Affairs, PEACE IV, Heritage Lottery) have invested in interface, good relations and history/heritage/cultural work and assets in the Moor DEA. This project aims to build on the opportunities created by these previous investments. Community/Historical/Cultural physical assets within the area include, the city walls, two cathedrals, a number of historic churches, a number of community museums, community centres, loyal order premises, reconciliation organisations, cultural facilities. This project aims to encourage residents to be aware of and informed about the history and heritage assets on their doorstep relevant to a range of identities and to empower residents for cross-interface and/or cross-community relationships and for effective community volunteering, with a particular focus on cultural or heritage or community tourism assets. Arising from the Co-design process in the Moor District Electoral Area (DEA), this project should strive to bring key benefit to that area. Cross-border participation and participation from elsewhere in the council area or beyond is welcome if this enhances the cross-community balance and/or peace and reconciliation content of the project. This project is under the Celebrating Cultures and Diversity Theme. Please refer to the CfT documents for further detail.
Published Date :
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Tender Awarded :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85322000 - Community action programme
Tender Lot Details
1 Tender Lot
Status :
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Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors