Pearces Mill Re-roofing Works
The Pearce's Mill Building is a three-storey roughcast rendered masonry structure with a hipped roof of profiled cement board. The majority of the ground floor area is raised approx. 900mm above finished wharf level, with a small loading bay area to the east elevation. The building has two existing staircases serving both upper floor levels. One exits to the north and one to the south-east corner. Both are within existing masonry cores. This building is currently used as a joinery workshop at ground floor level and small artist studios and offices at the upper levels - total floor area of approx. 995m2. The works will be phased to allow continued use of the ground floor and first-floor space. The upper level (2nd floor) is essentially one open plan space open to the roof void. The building itself is located on a busy working wharf which will require careful consideration in the planning of the works. KML wishes to appoint a contractor to carry out the re-roofing work package on a supply & fit basis. Whilst there is a specification for these works, we welcome any suggestions with regards to more efficient solutions.
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1 Possible Competitors