Peatland Code Feasibility Survey - Abernethy - April 2022
Peatland Code Feasibility Survey to ValidationCompartment A2 and A5, An Lurg Area, RSPB Abernethy Nature ReserveIn line with our strategy, RSPB Scotland has been restoring degraded peatland across our suite of nature reserves for many years thanks to support from various funding streams including the Scottish Government’s Peatland ACTION Fund (PAF), distributed by NatureScot and (within the Cairngorms National Park) by Cairngorms National Park Authority Peatland ACTION. The announcement of a GBP 250million commitment to the PAF by the Scottish Government from 2020-2030 has led to an increased ambition to upscale our restoration efforts. With the emergence of the Peatland Code and the prospect of blended funding options to help maximise restoration and help deliver and maintain more degraded peatland, we are keen to assess land eligibility for validation through the Peatland Code prior to undertaking restoration management.Following restoration of a pilot site on a high-altitude plateau on our Abernethy nature reserve, RSPB Scotland has been working with Cairngorm National Park Authority Peatland ACTION (CNPA PA) team to build plans for restoration across the wider plateau area, as well as potentially lower altitude bog woodland and fen dominated habitat elsewhere. The intention is to apply to CNPA PA for multi-year funding for the restoration of pre-determined and mapped compartments within our Abernethy and Insh Marshes nature reserves. Prior to restoration on any compartment however we require a Peatland Code feasibility assessment to be undertaken through to the point of validation.Whilst a comprehensive phased plan is being worked up for the wider multi-year restoration application, and due to a lack of internal capacity, we are seeking an experienced contractor to undertake a detailed assessment – as detailed below – on compartments A2 and A5 on the An Lurg plateau within Abernethy nature reserve (see attached map). These compartments have been identified as the next compartments on which we intend to undertake restoration management. Due to ambitious restoration targets by both the Scottish Government and Cairngorms Connect, we are eager to undertake restoration within the 2022/23 financial year, so we would welcome quotes from contractors who would be able to complete the contract by May 20th, 2022.
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1 Possible Competitors