Peer Mentoring service for adoptive families
Adoption counts would like to provide support to families in their adoption journey through a peer mentoring service. Families who have adopted require peer guidance and discussion that is specifically around the issues, fears, challenges they are experiencing within their families. Adoption Counts would like to offer peer mentoring slots for adoptive families at a rate of 50 per annum. We are providing a support service for an initial 6 month period with an extension of a further 12 months subject to being satisfied with the service offered, and the budget being available. We would also like to offer an additional 10 slots p.a. to foster to adopt carers, so 60 p.a. slots in total over 12 months (30 over the first 6 months). We would want each family to receive around 6 sessions at a length of 50 minutes per session.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85000000 - Health and social work services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors