Penllergare Valley Woods - Lead Consultant
Note - this information is provide for reference only and is not intended to form part of the contract between the Penllergare Trust and the employee.The Penllergare Trust, a pioneering independent charitable company established in 2000, is progressing an ambitious landscape restoration scheme at Penllergare Valley Woods, with support from the Heritage Lottery Fund Parks for People programme.Penllergare Valley Woods (100 ha / 259 acres) is a major recreational, heritage and wildlife site; the largest area of green space in north Swansea with over 100,000 people living within a 10 minute drive.The Penllergare Trust has an ambitious vision to see the cultural landscape of Penllergare conserved for public benefit largely supported by local people. With a lease of 100+ years from a private owner the Trust has started to restore the nationally important romantic, picturesque designed landscape created by the Dillwyn Llewelyn family in the nineteenth century. The woods provide a superb location for people to relax, enjoy a range of leisure activities and a place to get outdoors and close up to nature.The Trust is now looking for a highly motivated, versatile and resourceful Lead Consultant with excellent project management, contract management and environmental skills to assist in the delivery of our delivery of the development phase of a Heritage Lottery Application.A driven lead consultatnt is required to develop a successful 2nd Phase Heritage Lottery Bid for Penllergare Valley Woods. A key role is to manage a team of multi-discplined consultants in preparing all necessary plans and information. These include but are not limited to; Landscape Architects, Conservation Architects, Activities Plan Developers, Ecologists and Business Consultants.This will create a vision for the future development of the site within this bid which sets the scene for actions required to achieve this vision over the next 10 years.The bid will include all key sites and facilities and main vegetation types.The development and management of guidelines required in achieving the proposed bid. A prioritised action plan of site specific improvements and developments with collation of indicative costs and sketch prosposals into a single bid document. Time periods for the action plan to be agreed with ClientsCollation of Plans of the whole site showing zones and priorities for management.IT is forseen that this will require a estimated 2 days per week of one post.Responsible to the Managing Director and reporting to the Board of Trustees, the Lead Consultant will manage the development phase of the project, supported by Voluntary Project Manager, in compliance with the purposes approved by the HLF.This will entail:•Revising, expanding and integrating the Management and Maintenance Plans in conjunction with Landscape Architects•Evaluating the revenue potential of Valley Woods as a whole and developing a new Business Plan and Activities Plan in collaboration with Consultants•Drafting and managing the project cost plan•Coordinating the raising of partnership funding in Liaison with the Volunteer Project Manager•Assisting in securing tenure of the Walled Gardens and adjacent land parcels•Defining and overseeing supplementary development contracts•Leading at RIBA Stage 3 Review•Submitting the Round 2 Application•In collaboration with the General Manager, maximising the use of volunteers throughout the project•Preparing reports for the Trust, HLF, key stakeholders and funding partners.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
79420000 - Management-related services
79410000 - Business and management consultancy services
71530000 - Construction consultancy services
71540000 - Construction management services
Status :
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Low Value :
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Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors