Performance Metrics Validation.
The Carbon Trust is working on a major offshore wind technology accelerator initiative focussed on reducing the cost of energy (GBP/MWh) from offshore wind by more than 10%. This initiative, the Offshore Wind Accelerator (OWA), is funding large-scale research, development and demonstration (RD&D) projects to unlock technological barriers to advance the industry, and thereby accelerate its development so that significant carbon emissions reductions are achieved. Projects have been selected based on their potential impact on the cost of offshore wind farms and on their ability to deliver operational improvements in the short to medium term. The OWA has been structured as a funding collaboration between the Carbon Trust and a number of international energy companies active in offshore wind farm development.The project aims to undertake a study to validate the current Performance Metrics approach proposed by the OWA, to assess the performance for some reference vessel designs and create base-line P-Plots.The primary objectives of this work are to:— Validate and fine tune the Performance Metrics and Performance Plots (P-Plots) assessment through the use of sea trials, numerical testing and/or model testing.— Create P-Plots for a minimum of 3 conventional hull-shapes that the industry can consider as baselines to develop their own P-Plots.— Gain confidence in determining P-Plots through a variety of different test approaches.
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1 Possible Competitors