Perinatal Pilot
Research has demonstrated that group interventions which included relationship education for couples shortly to become parents can prevent their marital quality and satisfaction from declining over the next six years, whereas relationship satisfaction declined for new parents without any intervention. Feedback from parents also suggests that they welcome topics on relationships and problem solving skills within preparation for birth groups. In addition the period leading up to and around the time of birth offers an opportune moment for intervention as couples are motivated to seek out information in preparation for their new role as parents. NHS antenatal, and where available postnatal classes, could therefore provide an excellent vehicle for helping couples to manage the relational challenges associated with becoming new parents. The proposal is to pilot relationship education in NHS antenatal and postnatal classes. The sessions will prepare couples for the impact having a baby will have on their relationship, help them develop particular relationship and communication skills, for example in recognising and managing conflict, and signpost to further support. The pilot will be robustly evaluated in order to provide an evidence base to inform decisions on spreading best practice and wider implementation. The successful supplier will be expected to develop and deliver training classes for the midwives and health visitors; which in turn will help them to go on to deliver education training classes for expectant couples. The supplier will also be required to provide on-going support to midwives, health visitors and expectant couples.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
80511000 - Staff training services
80561000 - Health training services
Status :
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors