Personal Health Budget (PHB) Support Services Directory - Market event
NHS North Central London (NCL) Integrated Care Board (ICB) is seeking to develop a Personal Health Budget (PHB) Support Services Directory. The directory will be made up of trusted and vetted PHB support service Providers, who have successfully submitted a bid to feature on it. The services will help NCL ICB to deliver its statutory duty to offer people who have been assessed as eligible to receive a PHB. This is in line with the National Health Service (Direct Payment) Regulations 2013 and 2014 and 2019 amendments. Eligible people will be encouraged by the ICB to use the Directory to choose Providers to work with, to receive and manage their one-off and/or on-going PHB. NCL ICB is responsible for allocating NHS budget and commissioning services. ICBs are a key change in the Health and Care Act and have replaced Clinical Commissioning Groups 'CCGs'. These changes came into effect on 1 July 2022. More information about NCL ICB can be found using the following link. NCL ICB is a member of the NCL Integrated Care System (ICS). The ICS are partnerships of health and care organisations that come together to plan and deliver joined up services, and to improve the health of people who live and work in the area which includes primary and secondary services, this is mandated by the NHS Long Term Plan . NCL ICB has the ambition to achieve the outcomes set out by the NHSE national team for individuals with PHB. The outcomes are summarised below as: - Individuals will have greater choice, control, and preference over which Provider to commission to work with to achieve health and wellbeing outcomes. - Increase the proportion of people receiving a Direct Payment to 30-40%. - A greater range of Providers delivering PHB Support Services. - Have several Providers who can serve all ages and service groups. - Develop the local economy and opportunities for smaller community and voluntary organisations to deliver PHB Support Services. - Make it easier for service users to navigate PHB Support Service Providers to organise care and support. - Case Managers will no longer need to complete complex Personalised Care and Support Planning (involving unusual ICB requests and employing Personal Assistants) with individuals. - Support and upskill local people with Lived Experience and ICB service users to influence and shape ICB personalised care delivery and commissioning. - Provides an opportunity for specialist Providers who can support families to think creatively about children and young people's budgets. - Individuals feel empowered about taking responsibility for their care and needs rather than powerless in the face of a complex care system.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors