PHE - Corporate ICT Datacenter Expert DCIM management platform via Health Trust Europe Framework Ref: HTE-005705
Public Health England, an executive agency of the Department of Health and Social and Care (DSCH) (hereafter referred to as "Public Health England" or "PHE" also referred to as the "Contracting Authority" or the "Authority" or the "Employer") have direct awarded Insight Direct UK Limited a contract agreement under the HealthTrust Europe (HTE) LLP Framework Agreement Ref: HTE 005705. Insight operating as a reseller under HTE ICT Solutions Framework Agreement as Prime contractor, with On365 as a subcontractor with the necessary experience to offer, implement and support the proposal. On365 is Insight registered subcontractors and, as part of this subcontractor process, have a signed Market Place Agreement with Insight confirming understanding and compliance to the terms and conditions of contract. On365 visited 3 main sites on behalf of Public Health England in order to verify additional security and environmental management requirements within the network / server rooms. - Colindale Avenue - London - Porton Down - Didcot As part of the scope an upgrade of the existing Datacenter Expert (DCE) DCIM management platform has also been included with a new virtual appliance, additional licensing and migration of the existing assets over to the new system.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
44316400 - Hardware
48214000 - Network operating system software package
Status :
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors