PHE — National Infection Service — GP Data Supply to PHE Via ImmForm
Public Health England (PHE) has a critical need to collect GP level vaccine coverage and flu-like illness incidence surveillance data on a national scale. The data is used to report on the performance of the national immunisation programmes. Under existing contractual arrangements, the data is provided on PHE via ImmForm by each of the four (4) main GP IT systems in the UK.The 4 GP IT suppliers are:— Egton Medical Information Systems (EMIS),— the phoenix partnership,— INPS vision,— Microtest.The contract is for extracting the data from GP's, processing the data and then forwarding to PHE. The supplier is required to complete weekly, monthly and annual vaccine extractions. GP’s are compelled to choose only from one of the 4 suppliers listed above for vaccine data collection. As a result there is no scope to introduce additional suppliers to the market. The volume of the market allocated to each of the 4 suppliers is dictated by the GP’s choice of supplier. The contract for the suppliers to complete this service will be for 1 year.
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CPV Codes
72319000 - Data supply services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors