PHE- Science Hub - HAZOP Facilitation Services
Public Health England (PHE) is a national executive agency formed in 2013 from a number of expert organisations in public health. Our status ensures we have operational autonomy and professional and scientific credibility. To ensure it remains a world leader in public health, PHE intends to move to consolidate three of their existing locations to a new dynamic health science campus located in Harlow, Essex. The PHE transition programme called the 'Science Hub Programme' consists of both capability/ construction and business change elements. As part of the capability phase we propose to appoint a HAZOP facilitation service. As a UK Government agency, PHE requires that all contractors who require access to classified information, unescorted access to any site or access to an IT system are to successfully complete the Baseline Personnel Security Standard (BPSS) check. Information on classified material and the BPSS check can be found here: - Classified Information: - BPSS: In addition, any contractor engaged within the Science Hub Programme that intents to process classified information (including material at the OFFICIAL level) on their own IT system is required to show that their systems are either: - Certified to Cyber Essentials or Cyber Essentials Plus - Certified to ISO27001 - Accredited to process classified information by another UK Government Department or Executive Agency.
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1 Possible Competitors