PHE_Scientific Purchase of Phlebotomy (Incl.Domiciliary and community) Services
Public Health England (PHE), Immunisation studies/outbreak team seeks to appoint provider(s) of phlebotomy services to facilitate the rapid collection of biological samples during outbreak response and investigation. This includes on-site outbreak investigation, the collection of biological and environmental samples along with contextual qualitative and quantitative data. Immunisation studies/outbreak team are currently seeking to appoint provider(s) of phlebotomy services (including domiciliary and community phlebotomy) who can provide rapid and convenient collection of biological samples for individuals (Paediatric and people over the age of 16 years) identified as requiring blood samples to support our outbreak investigation and response. This will include visits to schools and care homes for large centre collection of samples and data collection. We are seeking providers who can provide phlebotomy services across England during routine working hours (9:00-17:30) and out of hours service on weekdays from 17:30-20:00 and weekends from 9:00-20:00. It is hoped that this service will reduce pressure on internal clinical resources whilst providing a rapid and flexible service to individuals requiring sample collection. This service must be provided by suitably trained phlebotomists or nurses. The service will be provided during core operating times for the appointed provider(s) or during hours as agreed with PHE RIT. In the case of a public health emergency and the need to collect biological samples more urgently, the provider(s) may be requested to operate outside normal operating time and at weekends and bank holidays.
Published Date :
Deadline :
Contract Start :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
71900000 - Laboratory services
85111810 - Blood analysis services
Status :
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Tender Progress :
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Tender Identifier :
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Low Value :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
Address :
Website :
Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors