Photocatalytic Heterojunction Z-schemes for Sustainable Hydrogen Production
In order to support our recently awarded project on the investigation of "Photocatalytic Heterojunction Z-schemes for Sustainable Hydrogen Production", we require quadrupole mass spectrometer system, principally to detect hydrogen and oxygen gas evolved from a light activated water splitting photocatalyst. The photocatalyst particles will be suspended in water in reactor vessel which will be attached to a closed gas circulation system. This gas space must be sampled by the gas analyser system to quantify the amount of hydrogen and oxygen present, and monitor its evolution over time, with the ability to export the data to a PC. It is essential that the system can detect and discriminate between hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and water, and desirable if can detect possible decomposition products of the photocatalysts such as NOx,H2S and SOx.
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CPV Codes
38433100 - Mass spectrometer
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1 Possible Competitors