Photograph Library
GIAA wants to build a photo library that reflects our vision, values and behaviours and tell the story of GIAA, our people and the difference we all make through our work. Our photo library would consist of: •Formal head and shoulder shots of our senior leadership team, ExCo and our non-executive directors •'Action shots' of our people as they carry out their activity •Group shots of team meetings, capturing discussion, collaboration and partnership working, hybrid meetings and our office environments. Internal Audit and Counter Fraud Investigation are serious subjects, and we need to retain the credibility of our services for our customers so our photographs should reflect this whilst also showing the incredible breadth of personalities, diversity, skills and expertise of our people. It is important that our photos should feel friendly and personable. We do not want photographs against a plain white background. Care should be taken not to involve our customers or their work in the photography, the images should only be GIAA people. Members of the communication team will support the photographer with this to ensure we only photograph the right people in the right places. These images will be used: •For corporate documents •The GIAA intranet and our GIAA Gov.UK web pages •For our recruitment campaigns •Presentation material •Promotional material This list is not exhaustive and other opportunities to share our photographs may arise. We are looking solely for photography for this project and no other creative input (ie campaign materials) are required. Locations: The photography would be carried out at several locations across the UK reflecting the UK-wide nature of our work. As a minimum, this is likely to be our main London office, 10 Victoria Street, as well as locations in Birmingham, Liverpool (Bootle), Leeds, Newcastle/Darlington and Sheffield. A full list of locations would be discussed and agreed in advance. A member of the communication team will accompany the photographer to all locations to assist with building access and ensure the correct photographs are taken. The communication team will also work with our people in advance of any photoshoots to ensure awareness and that permission forms are completed. Travel and subsistence for visiting different locations would be agreed in advance with the supplier and would form part of the overall payment for the photography library. Timescales: The photography needs to be completed by 31 March 2023. At this time we should be in receipt of digital contact sheets, completed permission forms (model release forms) and both the high res and low res versions of our images. These would be supplied electronically through a cloud-based file transfer system. The actual handover of images would be in collaboration with IT colleagues to ensure we adhere to government IT security protocols. GIAA would hold copyright for all images as well approval to reproduce these images.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
98300000 - Miscellaneous services
Status :
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Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors