Physical Activity Programme for People Living with and recovering from Cancer Service NHS/SOEPS/20.695 RFI
Commissioners within NHS Brighton and Hove CCG, NHS East Sussex CCG and NHS West Sussex CCG are considering recommissioning a Physical Activity Programme for people living with and recovering from Cancer across Brighton and Hove, East Sussex. NHS Sussex Commissioners would also like to explore the possibility of expanding the service provision in West Sussex., The current service provides on average 197 referrals per year in Brighton and Hove, 161 referrals per year in East Sussex and 50 in, West Sussex, with a potential for more in West Sussex., The aim of the service is to increase awareness of the benefits of physical activity when undergoing treatment for cancer and recovering from cancer. The long-term aim of this service is to reduce cancer mortality rates and improve the general health and wellbeing for patients., This programme aims to strengthen interventions along cancer care pathways and ensure that cancer survivors feel supported and have an improved quality of life., It is anticipated that the service would be offered for tender under a standard NHS contract for a period of 3 years commencing on the 1st April 2023 with option to extend for a maximum of a further 2 years., The purpose of this RFI is to gauge market interest and feedback via the RFI response form for the provision of the Physical Activity Programme for People Living with and recovering from Cancer Service and provide the CCGs with valuable information to help update and improve the current service specification. We intend to gauge market interest across Sussex, to include Brighton and Hove, East and West Sussex., The aims of the service are to:, • Raise awareness of the benefits and provision of physical activity and associated health benefits for patients and healthcare professionals, • Increase the number of people with, or living with and beyond cancer participating in physical activity, • Improve health outcomes for people with, or living with and beyond cancer, • Deliver activities and information to people with, or living with and beyond cancer in a way that is meaningful and relevant to them. Activities will be delivered either face to face or online to increase patient access to the service and reduce health inequalities., • Adopt new technologies to ensure that the service can provide a digital offer to patients, • Work with existing partners and services across Sussex, • Work with the local Acute NHS Trust to develop rehabilitation pathways as appropriate, The service will have, but may not be confined to, the following service features:, • Physical Activity Programme, • Health Trainer/ Motivational Interviewing, • Referral management, • Staff Training to include Level 4 Cancer and Exercise Rehabilitation qualification, The RFI questionnaire is available at ., Please return the questionnaire as fully as you can via the e-tendering portal by 5pm Monday 7th February 2022.
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Not Identified
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CPV Codes
85000000 - Health and social work services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors